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Título: Rate of Profit, technical change and income distribution in Argentina
Autor(es): Malvicino, Facundo Ezequiel
Fecha de publicación: nov-2020
Revista: YSI Macroeconomics and external constraints in Latin America
Resumen: This article studies the economic growth of Argentina between 1950 and 2019, focusing in the pattern of technological progress. We decompose the dynamics of the profit rate into technological change and functional income distribution. We find a negative trend in the rate of profit from 1950 to 1980, a reversal until 2008, and a further fall until 2019. The pattern of technological progress is Marx-biased until the 1980s, and afterwards a Hicks-neutral technical change. We analyse different phases of capital accumulation based on Argentinean economic history.
Aparece en las colecciones: Objetos de conferencia

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