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Título: Cuerpos intrusivos laminares emplazados en shales del anticlinal Picún Leufú, cuenca Neuquina
Autor(es): Martínez, Macarena
Urrutia, Lucas Nicolás
Arregui, Carlos
Serra Varela, Samanta
González, Santiago Nicolás
Fecha de publicación: 1-dic-2022
Revista: 11º Congreso de Exploración y Desarrollo de Hidrocarburos
Resumen: On the southern flank of the Picún Leufú anticline, a sedimentary sequence of Cuyo, Lotena andMendoza groups hosts igneous laminar, intrusive bodies. They are emplaced in Los Molles, Challacó, Tordillo and Vaca Muerta Formations. Los Molles F. and Vaca Muerta F. are importanthydrocarbon source rocks of the Neuquén Basin. The igneous bodies are concordant with thestratification, and sometimes fragments of the host rock are incorporated into the igneous rocks. Inaddition, there is a thermal effect in the shales of Los Molles Formation where incipient mineralogical changes are identified next to the intrusive. The igneous rocks have a lamprophyric texture with olivine phenocrysts surrounded by a groundmass composed of plagioclases and pyroxenes.Amygdaloidal texture is also present where vesicles are total or partial filed with zeolites. Accordingto their mineralogical composition, and despite the lack of geochemical information, the igneousrocks can be classified as basalts. Previous subsurface studies of the basal sections of the VacaMuerta Formation near the study area indicate early stages of organic matter maturity. Moreover,some sections of Los Molles Formation have shown adequate maturation of kerogene. The igneous bodies described in this contribution seems not to have a particular roll in the thermal generation of oil in this area. However, further investigations about the relation between the igneous bodies and their host rocks, might bring new insight for the evaluation of hydrocarbon systems in the Picún Leufú anticline area.
Aparece en las colecciones: Objetos de conferencia

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