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Título: Software Art and Sensitive Continuum. Spaces of Latency between Living Systems. PhD Thesis proposal in Research Creation
Autor(es): Dreidemie, Carola
Director: Jarak, Diego
Fecha de publicación: 29-oct-2022
Citación: Dreidemie, Carola (2022) Software Art and Sensitive Continuum. Spaces of Latency between Living Systems. PhD Thesis proposal in Research Creation. Tesis doctoral. Universitè de La Rochelle
Abstract: Software art that is of interest to this thesis merges ’Fine Arts’ and ’Technology’ and assumes a dialogue between two different and sometimes opposite methods of research and knowledge production. This cross-discipline permeability, inherent to digital art, is so deeply nourished on the History of Arts, on Critical Aesthetics and on the artist’s metier as is on the ideas and engineering of Science and Technology, its history and its evolution.
Resumen: Software art that is of interest to this thesis merges ’Fine Arts’ and ’Technology’ and assumes a dialogue between two different and sometimes opposite methods of research and knowledge production. This cross-discipline permeability, inherent to digital art, is so deeply nourished on the History of Arts, on Critical Aesthetics and on the artist’s metier as is on the ideas and engineering of Science and Technology, its history and its evolution.
Aparece en las colecciones: Posgrados de otras filiaciones

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SOFTWARE_ART_AND_SENSITIVE_CONTINUUM__SPACES_OF_LATENCY_BETWEEN_LIVING_SYSTEMS_CAROLA DREIDEMIE_.pdfPhD Thesis Proposal in Research-Creation. Mg. Carola Dreidemie170,52 kBAdobe PDFVisualizar/Abrir

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