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Título: Numeric Line: A Códimo’s Activity
Autor(es): Graziani, Luciano M.
Sanhueza, Matías E.
Cayú, Gabriela A.
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Citación: Graziani, L. M., Sanhueza, M. E. & Cayú, G. A. (2017). Numeric Line: A Códimo’s Activity. Computer Science – CACIC 2017, p. 61-68. DOI:
Revista: Springer International Publishing
Resumen: Computational thinking is a fundamental skill for everyone, not just for computer scientists. Teaching computational thinking in primary and secondary school will not only help to inspire kids to continue their studies in Computer Science, but also will provide a set of valuable skills to use during their professional life in the Computer Science field or in any other field. In this work we present a Códimo’s activity called Numeric Line. This activity was designed for students between 6 and 8 years old and with the goal of encourage, in a transparent way, one of the aspect of computational thinking: Algorithm design. The students play using a set of simple blocks (commands), trying to put a number in a numeric line, moving it across a maze. With this, the student reinforce their knowledge taught in classroom about natural and integer numbers, using computational thinking.
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