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Título: What the Latin American people think about clonal forestry and forest biotech?
Autor(es): Sharry, Sandra
Trujillo, Iselén
Romero Alves, Maite
Cinquetti, Tatiana
Galarco, Sebastián
Boeri, Patricia Alejandra
Fecha de publicación: sep-2018
Es parte de: Fifth International Conference of the IUFRO Working Party 2.09.0. Somatic Embryogenesis and Other Vegetative PropagationTechnologies
Resumen: Significant progress has been made in LAC regions in the development of appropriate technologies to improve agricultural productivity in sustainable systems. However, these results rarely reach the field, mainly due to misunderstanding of the relationships between the components of the agricultural and forestry systems by those who run the sector, including professionals and those entities in charge of interaction with other sectors. The innovation process needs key actors of society to be summoned and supported technically, so that they can reach a consensus understanding on key issues related to the management of natural resources and the sustainability of agriculture and forestry. Framed in this context, biotechnology is emerging as a useful alternative in these development processes, even within the often complex perception that exists of it in society. Public acceptance of technologies is based not only on technological and scientific strength, but also on their social, political and economic perception. This aspect has a great influence on investment in technology, and on its influence on the quality of life in society. The use of rapid assessment methods allows us to generate fast data already "which is better information faster than none at all”. The objective of this work was to conduct a rapid assessment procedure (RAP), in order to determine what perception the public has about clonal forestry and forest biotechnology. For this, an exploratory opinion web-survey was made, evaluating different aspects of the subject. The results indicate that, 84% know that biotechnology include cloning of trees; 60% know forests of clonal plantations exist, and 62% think that plantations are not forests. However, 82% think that plantations reduce the pressure on native forests. Increasingly, planted forests will have to be recognized within the community in general by the range of values provided, not just by wood. Communication and community participation and dialogue between forestry companies and stakeholders is increasingly important. We know that public attitudes towards these issues are influenced by different factors, including information, social context, cultural norms, beliefs, values and perceptions.
Aparece en las colecciones: Objetos de conferencia

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