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Título: Zircon and apatite fission track analyses: new insight about the exhumation of Cordillera del Viento, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
Autor(es): Pons, María Josefina
Zattin, Massimiliano
Giacosa, Raúl Eduardo
González, Santiago Nicolás
Greco, Gerson Alan
Fecha de publicación: mar-2022
Revista: XXI Congreso Geológico Argentino
Resumen: The Cordillera del Viento (CV) is the western sector of the inner Chos Malal fold and thrust belts (CMFTB) and exposes basement (Carboniferous and Permo-Triassic) and its cover rocks of the Neuquén basin (Late Triassic to the Neogene). Sánchez et al. (2020), based on thermochronology data performed in the di erent units of the Neuquén Basin, define that the faults of the CMFTB, shows a normal sequence of deformation toward the foreland from Late Cretaceous to Late Miocene. In this contribution we present the first zircon fission tracks (ZFT) and apatite ssion tracks (AFT) analyses carried out in the basement rocks of the Neuquén basin in order to give a contribute to the understanding of the evolution of the inner thick-skinned zone of the CMFTB.
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