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Título: Merge, Restructuring and Clitic Climbing
Autor(es): Masullo, Pascual José
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Editorial: Cambridge University Press
Citación: Masullo, Pascual J. (2019). “Merge, Restructuring and Clitic Climbing”, en Camacho, J. y Cabrera, M. (eds.), Exploring Interfaces: Lexicon, syntax, semantics and sound. (pp. 211-231). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-108-48827-3.
Resumen: A well-studied phenomenon in Spanish (and in Romance languages in general) is clitic placement in constructions with so-called restructuring verbs, such as querer “want,” deber “must,” poder “can/may,” soler (habitual aspect), empezar “begin,” estar “be” – which are sometimes dubbed semi-auxiliary verbs, since they express modality and aspect – as well as the true auxiliary haber “have” (see Burzio, 1986; Cardinaletti & Shlonsky, 2004; Cinque, 2004, 2006; Perlmutter, 1983; Strozer, 1976; among many others). What is especially noteworthy about these constructions is that, when pronominal clitics are used, these may be associated either with the main finite verb or the lexical verb in a non-finite form.
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ISBN: 978-1-108-48827-3
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