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Buscando en la comunidad: Artículos de revista

Mostrando 1-10 de un total de 33 resultados. 0.001 segundos

Resultados por ítem:
TítuloAutor(es)DirectorFecha de publicación
Pollinator dependence of Argentinean agriculture: current status and temporal analysis.Chacoff, Natacha P.; Morales, Carolina L.; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Ashworth, Lorena; Aizen, Marcelo A.-dic-2010
Expansión de la soja y diversidad de la agricultura argentinaAizen, Marcelo A.; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Dondo Bühler, Mariana Beatriz-25-feb-2009
How much does agriculture depend on pollinators? Lessons from long-term trends in crop productionAizen, Marcelo A.; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Cunningham, Saul A.; Klein, Alexandra M.-13-feb-2009
Contrasting responses of plants and pollinators to woodland disturbanceCoulin, Carolina; Aizen, Marcelo A.; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro-abr-2019
From research to action: enhancing crop yield through wild pollinatorsGaribaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Carvalheiro, Luísa G.; Leonhardt, Sara D.; Aizen, Marcelo A.; Blaauw, Brett R.; Rufus, Isaacs; Kuhlmann, Michael; Kleijn, David; Klein, Alexandra M.; Kremen, Claire; Morandin, Lora; Scheper, Jeroen; Winfree, Rachael-23-sep-2014
Pollinator shortage and global crop yield: looking at the whole spectrum of pollinator dependencyGaribaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Aizen, Marcelo A.; Cunningham, Saul A.; Klein, Alexandra M.-14-nov-2008
Long-term global trends in crop yield and production reveal no current pollination shortage but increasing pollinator dependencyAizen, Marcelo A.; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Cunningham, Saul A.; Klein, Alexandra M.-16-oct-2008
Global growth and stability of agricultural yield decrease with pollinator dependenceGaribaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Aizen, Marcelo A.; Klein, Alexandra M.; Cunningham, Saul A.; Harder, Lawrence D.-5-abr-2011
Safeguarding pollinators and their values to human well-beingPotts, Simon G.; Imperatriz Fonseca, Vera L.; Ngo, Hien T.; Aizen, Marcelo A.; Biesmeijer, Jacobus C.; Breeze, Thomas D.; Dicks, Lynn V.; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Hill, Rosemary; Settele, Josef; Vanbergen, Adam J.-dic-2016
When mutualism goes bad: density-dependent impacts of introduced bees on plant reproductionAizen, Marcelo A.; Morales, Carolina L.; Vázquez, Diego P.; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Sáez, Agustín; Harder, Lawrence D.-16-jul-2014