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Buscando en la comunidad: Artículos de revista

Mostrando 1-10 de un total de 89 resultados. 0.002 segundos

Resultados por ítem:
TítuloAutor(es)DirectorFecha de publicación
Direct and indirect relationships between logging intensity and regeneration of two timber species in the Dry Chaco of ArgentinaTálamo, Andrés; Lopez de Casenave, Javier; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Núñez Regueiro, Mauricio-oct-2020
Diversity, functionality, and resilience under increasing harvesting intensities in woodlands of northern PatagoniaChillo, María Verónica; Goldenberg, Matías Guillermo; Pérez Méndez, Néstor; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro-oct-2020
Impacts of honeybee density on crop yield: A meta‐analysisRollin, Orianne; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro-3-feb-2019
Citizen science in developing countries: how to improve volunteer participationRequier, Fabrice; Andersson, Georg K.; Oddi, Facundo José; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro-6-ene-2020
Integrating agroecological production in a robust post-2020 Global Biodiversity FrameworkWanger, Thomas C.; Declerck, Fabrice; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Ghazoul, Jaboury; Kleijn, David; Klein, Alexandra Maria; Kremen, Claire; Mooney, Harold; Perfecto, Ivette; Powell, Luke L.; Settele, Josef; Solé, Mirco; Tscharntke, Teja; Weisser, Wolfgang-jul-2020
A spatially extended model to assess the role of landscape structure on the pollination service of Apis melliferaJoseph, Julien; Santibáñez, Fernanda; Laguna, María Fabiana; Abramson, Guillermo; Kuperman, Marcelo N.; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro-sep-2020
Global changes in crop diversity: Trade rather than production enriches supplyAguiar, Diego Sebastián; Texeira, Marcos; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Jobbágy, Esteban G.-sep-2020
Effects of harvesting intensity and site conditions on biomass production of northern Patagonia shrublandsGoldenberg, Matías Guillermo; Oddi, Facundo José; Amoroso, Mariano Martín; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro-may-2020
Effects of firewood harvesting intensity on biodiversity and ecosystem services in shrublands of northern PatagoniaGoldenberg, Matías Guillermo; Oddi, Facundo José; Gowda, Juan H.; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro-jul-2020
Impact of Invasive Bees on Plant-Pollinator Interactions and Reproductive Success of Plant Species in Mixed Nothofagus antarctica ForestsAgüero, Juan I.; Pérez Méndez, Néstor; Torretta, Juan P.; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro-jul-2020