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Buscando en la comunidad: Artículos de revista

Mostrando 1-10 de un total de 250 resultados. 0.003 segundos

Resultados por ítem:
TítuloAutor(es)DirectorFecha de publicación
Hadronic high-energy gamma ray emission from microquasarsRomero, Gustavo E.; Christiansen, Hugo; Orellana, Mariana Dominga-20-oct-2005
From research to action: enhancing crop yield through wild pollinatorsGaribaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Carvalheiro, Luísa G.; Leonhardt, Sara D.; Aizen, Marcelo A.; Blaauw, Brett R.; Rufus, Isaacs; Kuhlmann, Michael; Kleijn, David; Klein, Alexandra M.; Kremen, Claire; Morandin, Lora; Scheper, Jeroen; Winfree, Rachael-23-sep-2014
Gamma-ray and neutrino emission from misaligned microquasarsRomero, Gustavo E.; Orellana, Mariana Dominga-6-may-2005
XMM-Newton detection of the supernova remnant G304.6+0.1 (Kes 17)Combi, Jorge A.; Albacete Colombo, Juan Facundo; Sánchez Ayaso, Estrella; Romero, Gustavo E.; Marti, J.; Luque Escamilla, P. L.; Muñoz Arjonilla, A. J.; Sánchez Sutil, J. R.; López Santiago, J.-13-sep-2010
Servicios Ecosistémicos en Latinoamérica: De la investigación a la acciónLaterra, Pedro; Martín López, Berta; Mastrangelo, Matias E.; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro-abr-2017
Geographic variation in festuca rubra L. ploidy levels and systemic fungal endophyte frequenciesDirihan, Serdar; Helander, Marjo; Väre, Henry; Gundel, Pedro E.; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Irisarri, Jorge G.; Saloniemi, Irma; Saikkonen, Kari-nov-2016
Hadronic gamma-ray production in microquasars with equatorial windsOrellana, Mariana Dominga; Romero, Gustavo E.-dic-2006
Safeguarding pollinators and their values to human well-beingPotts, Simon G.; Imperatriz Fonseca, Vera L.; Ngo, Hien T.; Aizen, Marcelo A.; Biesmeijer, Jacobus C.; Breeze, Thomas D.; Dicks, Lynn V.; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Hill, Rosemary; Settele, Josef; Vanbergen, Adam J.-dic-2016
Mineralogical signature of hydrocarbon circulation in Cretaceous red beds of the Barda González area, Neuquén Basin, ArgentinaPons, María J.; Rainoldi, Ana L.; Franchini, Marta B.; Giusiano, Adolfo; Cesaretti, Nora; Beaufort, Daniel; Patrier, Patricia; Impiccini, Agnes-1-mar-2015
Characterization of alteration halos in the sediment-hosted copper deposits in the Cretaceous rocks of Neuquén basin, ArgentinaPons, María J.; Franchini, Marta B.; Giusiano, Adolfo; Patrier, Patricia; Beaufort, Daniel; Impiccini, Agnes; Rainoldi, Ana L.; Meinert, Lawrence-25-ene-2016