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Título: Late Mesozoic marine Antarctic fishes: future perspectives based on the newly collections recovered in the Ameghino and López de Bertodano Formations
Autor(es): Gouiric Cavalli, Soledad
Acosta Burllaile, Leonel G.
Iglesias, Ari
Moly, Juan J.
O'gorman, José P.
Reguero, Marcelo A.
Santillana, Sergio
Talevi, Marianella
Vieytes, Emma C.
Bigurrarena Ojeda, Mauricio
Lusky, Jorge
Fecha de publicación: 18-may-2017
Editorial: Mahasarakham University
Citación: Gouiric Cavalli, Soledad., Acosta Burllaile, Leonel G., Iglesias, Ari., Moly, Juan J., O'gorman, Jose P. y et al. (2018) Late Mesozoic marine Antarctic fi shes: future perspectives based on the newly collections recovered in the Ameghino and Lopez de Bertodano Formations. Mahasarakham University; Research & Knowledge; 3 (1); 16-21
Revista: Research & Knowledge
Abstract: Nowadays, notothenioids are the teleostean group that dominates marine Antarctic waters.However, during the Mesozoic a diverse ichthyofauna inhabited the sea that surrounded Antarctic. Wepresent the preliminary results of the last two Argentinian Antarctic i eld expedition to the LateJurassic of Antactic Peninsula (Longing Gape) and Cretaceous-Paleogene of Seymour (=Marambio)Island. The i sh material recovered is extremely abundant and their further detailed study may providesignii cant clues into the taxonomy and paleobiogeography of the mesozoic antactic ichthyofaunas.
Resumen: Nowadays, notothenioids are the teleostean group that dominates marine Antarctic waters.However, during the Mesozoic a diverse ichthyofauna inhabited the sea that surrounded Antarctic. Wepresent the preliminary results of the last two Argentinian Antarctic i eld expedition to the LateJurassic of Antactic Peninsula (Longing Gape) and Cretaceous-Paleogene of Seymour (=Marambio)Island. The i sh material recovered is extremely abundant and their further detailed study may providesignii cant clues into the taxonomy and paleobiogeography of the mesozoic antactic ichthyofaunas.
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ISSN: 2408-204x
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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