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Título: Práctica de un currículo integrado: área transdisciplinar «geobiología» en primer año de las Licenciaturas en Paleontología y Geología de la UNRN
Autor(es): Talevi, Marianella
Calderon, Marín
Cech, Norma
Casadio, SIlvio Alberto
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Es parte de: XX Congreso Geológico Argentino
Resumen: Herein we describe the didactic sequence followed for the Licenciaturas en Geología y Paleontología at the Universidad Nacional de Río Negro in order to introduce first year students to the connections between life and the surrounding physical environment. For this, course contents were elaborated so as to integrate them with geological, paleontological and cartographic concepts together with academic reading and writing skills. Students were organized in groups and presented with the problem of elaborating a GIS, which was to include a vegetation map. This task entailed drawing knowledge from different areas of biology and relating it to the geology of the mapped area.
Aparece en las colecciones: Objetos de conferencia

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Este documento es resultado del financiamiento otorgado por el Estado Nacional, por lo tanto queda sujeto al cumplimiento de la Ley N° 26.899