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Título: Inequalities related to Bourin and Heinz means with a complex parameter
Autor(es): Bottazzi, Tamara Paula
Elencwajg, Rene
Larotonda, Gabriel
Varela, Alejandro
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Editorial: Elservier
Citación: Bottazzi, Tamara P., Elencwajg, Rene., Larotonda, Gabriel y Varela, Alejandro (2015). Inequalities related to Bourin and Heinz means with a complex parameter. Elservier; Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications; 426 (2); 765-773
Revista: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications
Abstract: A conjecture posed by S. Hayajneh and F. Kittaneh claims that given A, B positive matrices, 0≤t≤1, and any unitarily invariant norm the following inequality holds⦀AtB1−t+BtA1−t⦀≤⦀AtB1−t+A1−tBt⦀. Recently, R. Bhatia proved the inequality for the case of the Frobenius norm and for t∈[14,34]. In this paper, using complex methods we extend this result to complex values of the parameter t=z in the strip {z∈C:Re(z)∈[14,34]}. We give an elementary proof of the fact that equality holds for some z in the strip if and only if A and B commute. We also show a counterexample to the general conjecture by exhibiting a pair of positive matrices such that the claim does not hold for the uniform norm. Finally, we give a counterexample for a related singular value inequality given by sj(AtB1−t+BtA1−t)≤sj(A+B), answering in the negative a question made by K. Audenaert and F. Kittaneh. The methods of proof and examples can be adapted with no modifications to operator algebras (infinite dimensional setting), for instance it follows that the inequality above holds for Hilbert–Schmidt operators with their Banach algebra norm derived from the infinite trace of B(H).
Resumen: Una conjetura hecha por Hayajneh y Kittaneh afirma que dados A y B matrices positivas, 0<=t<=1 y cualquier norma unitariamente invariante vale la siguiente desigualdad ⦀AtB1−t+BtA1−t⦀≤⦀AtB1−t+A1−tBt⦀. Recientemente, Bhatia probó la conjetura para el caso de la norma de Frobenius y t∈[1/4,3/4]. En este artículo, usando métodos compeljos, extenderemos este resultado a variables complejas t=z en la franja {z∈C:Re(z)∈[1/4,3/4]}. Damos una prueba elemantal de que la igualdad vale para algún z en la franja sii A y B conmutan. También mostramos un contraejemplo de la conjetura más general para la norma uniforme. Finalmente, también mostramos un contraejemplo para la desigualdad de valores singulares relacionada sj(AtB1−t+BtA1−t)≤sj(A+B), dando respuesta negativa a una pregunta hecha por K. Audenaert and F. Kittaneh.
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ISSN: 0022-247X
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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